Mark active menu bold in Hugo
24 March 2022  •  3 min to read

A quick summary of how I managed to set the currently active menu item bold on this website. My solution is a bit hacky but it works.

This is how the menu currently looks in my config.toml file.

    identifier = "home"
    name = "home"
    url = "/"
    weight = 10

    identifier = "about"
    name = "about"
    url = "/about"
    weight = 20

    identifier = "blog"
    name = "blog"
    url = "/blog"
    weight = 30  

    identifier = "projects"
    name = "projects"
    url = "/projects"
    weight = 40

In my navigation.html I already had my range function that goes through all those elements in the menu and creates a list item & link for them.

What’s new now is that I added a check to see if the URL property of the current menu item is the same as RelPermalink property of the current page. I’ve found several other ways to do this online but haven’t managed to get them to work.

{{ $current := . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ $active := false}}
{{ $trimmedperma := trim $current.RelPermalink "/"}}
{{ $trimmedurl := trim .URL "/"}}
{{ $active := or $active (eq $trimmedperma $trimmedurl)}}        

So if the current menu is for example the blog page, the URL of the menu item will be “/blog” and the permalink of the page will have the same value. (I had to trim the slashes to make the comparison cleaner). If that is true, the $active variable will be set to true.

For the actual menu item, I added an if clause that checks if the ``$active``` variable is set and then adds a css class to the link tag of the item. The css class just has a rule to set the font to bold.

class="{{ if $active }}navigation-active{{ end }}"

This alone would however not work if I would for example open up a specific blog post or a project from my projects list. For this I also needed to check if the section of the current page is the correct one - a blog or a project.

{{ $active := or $active (and (eq $trimmedurl "blog") (eq $current.Section "blog")) }}
{{ $active := or $active (and (eq $trimmedurl "projects") (eq $current.Section "projects")) }}

Now, the menu items stays bold even when I open up a specific blog post or project post. I’ll have to update this spot whenever I add a new archetype that has lists/subpages that can be opened.

While writing this blogpost I also finally managed to set up a basic version of the syntax highlighting using chroma and Pygments & managed to make it work so that it uses a different color scheme when I switch between dark and light mode. I used this tutorial as a general guide but my implementation is basically done the same way as the dark mode / light mode switch works.

If I ever want to change a color scheme, I can just generate it using this command:

hugo gen chromastyles --style=friendly > path/to/cssfile/filename.css

Then I can basically just switch out the content of my current static/css/syntaxlight.css and static/css/syntaxdark.css files and easily use a different color scheme.

But I’m definitely not motivated enough to write all of that down in this post :D

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